Our Goal:

It all began with a problem… In 2022, some friends and fellow sailors departed to sail the world. As these friends will quickly be found out, the convenience of readily available marine products they were accustomed to would not follow them on their journey. As it turns out, what makes most cruising destination desirable was their remote location and isolation from major cities, resulting in a supply chain issue that afflicts most of the sailing destinations as well as small fishing villages across the world. With this problem at hand, our  company vision is to bring much needed marine products to small remote coastal communities all over the world. 

The Strategy:

Solving supply chain shortfalls is not an easy endeavor. Most of the world logistics operate on the backs of large container ships, capable of carrying large quantities of product from the manufacturing sites to cities equipped with large industrial ports. At these ports the large containers are loaded and unloaded, then subsequently rely on various forms of local logistics (typically commercial trucks). This form of operation leaves small coastal towns around the world, struggling to get much needed products into their ports and marine stores. FoxSea Industries is solving this fundamental problem by the introduction of designs and products which can be locally manufactured through additive manufacturing practices. Our vision is that by supplying small, but important villages around the globe with the necessary equipment and sufficient supply of raw material, each community can produce needed products on-demand. Since supplying raw material is easier (and cheaper) than supplying finished products, the logistical burden afflicting most towns is mitigated. Finally, Cruisers and Fishermen across the globe will be able to enjoy the benefits of readily available products, on-demand and for a reasonable price.